History of the company

NBU INVEST GROUP investment company was established in March 2008.

Pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No UP-4053 dated 18.11.2008. “On measures to further improve the financial stability of enterprises in the real sector of the economy” The Company took part in the restoration of bankrupt enterprises taken on the balance sheet of the National Bank of Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan by managing these enterprises and investing funds to restore and modernize existing and create new production facilities.

As a result of the measures taken by the Company, the activities of the enterprises were restored, new jobs were created and eventually these enterprises were sold to new owners.

In 2020, on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-4540 dated 30.11.2019, the Company was transformed into a joint-stock company.

The sole shareholder of the Company is JSC “National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

To date, the Company’s assets amount to about 1 trillion soums.

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